EPA Selects Alliance Members for Solar for All Grant, Boosting Clean Energy Access for Low-Income & Disadvantaged Communities

The Environmental Protection Agency has announced 60 selectees under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All grant competition as part of the President’s Investing in America agenda. This initiative aims to deliver solar energy to over 900,000 low-income and disadvantaged households nationwide, shining a light on a brighter, more sustainable future.

Congratulations to two Alliance members and awardees:

Hope Enterprise Corporation (HEC) secured $93,670,000 in funding Arkansas Solar for All and $62,450,000 in funding for Mississippi Solar for All. HEC will utilize a multi-pronged approach to advance affordable and resilient solar energy access for low-income and disadvantaged communities.

Their innovative strategies include:

  • Developing a residential rooftop solar leasing market that ensures savings for every low-income household while enhancing the local solar installer ecosystem.
  • Implementing “Multifamily Behind-the-Meter Solar for Low-Income Tenants” in multifamily buildings to lower energy costs for low-income tenant households through strategic financial mechanisms and partnerships with local housing developers.

All strategies are built on the foundation of innovative financing, strategic partnerships, and HEC’s deep experience and expertise in serving disadvantaged communities.

Growth Opportunity Partners (Growth Opps) secured $156,120,000 to lead the Industrial Heartland Solar Coalition. Headquartered in Ohio, this coalition unites 31 communities across eight states, from the Midwest to the Rustbelt.

Led by Growth Opps, the coalition is dedicated to catalyzing a just and clean energy transition in America’s industrial heartland. Here’s what they plan to do:

  • The SFA (Solar Financing Assistance) program, centrally managed by Growth Opps and implemented locally by 18 coalition members, will drive significant household energy savings and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
  • They aim to empower communities through solar workforce development programs, enhancing skills and creating opportunities in the clean energy sector.
  • By mobilizing tax credits and SFA grant funds, the coalition plans to extend the benefits of residential rooftop solar installations to low- and moderate-income households.

Congratulations to the Hope Enterprise Corporation and Growth Opportunity Partners team for leading the way in sustainable and equitable energy solutions!